Beat afternoon slump and make your day productive!

Beat afternoon slump and make your day productive!

Sleep break is something we all need whether we are studying, working from an office or from home. It’s mid-afternoon and the last thing you want to do would be working. It’s best to take control of your current state and collect your resources when your energy levels fall and your eyes sink. We all face this situation every day and this can be harmful to your productivity. Feeling a decrease in energy between 1 and 3 pm is part of the normal sleep cycle of your body, which is the “internal clock” that helps keep your sleep cycle synchronized with the day and night cycle.

There are many factors which can help you get rid of this afternoon slump. Read on further to know about how to beat the afternoon slump:

Refuel yourself

This may be an indication that your body needs some fuel when your energy is low. So our first tip is to take a break from work and have a snack or a beverage. Meeting the nutrient needs of your body is one of the easiest ways to get out of a sleepy afternoon. Grab a snack of your choice but keep in mind not to take much sugar as it will increase sleepiness. Rather you could eat something which has a balanced portion of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates.

Stay hydrated, as that could be one of the key factors behind the feeling of exhaustion you are going through. In midst of work we usually miss to keep a track on our water intake, hence drink enough water. You can also have flavoured water by inducing herbs or fruits that could help you to stay fresh.

The next thing comes in our mind is to have a cup of tea or coffee. You could go ahead and sip in some of it but always remember you do not take in much of caffeine. As that could hamper your night sleep.

Boost up the energy level

Another way to get rid of the slump is you can step aside from your work or study and engage yourself in some short activity. You can take a short walk or do some quick exercises. It is not easy to sit the entire day at one place and focus without a single break. You become more and more tired as time passes, and it becomes incredibly difficult not to fall asleep. As we all know, exercise increases blood flow to the brain and the body and stop us from getting exhausted. This is one such alternative that gives you a strong boost in energy and beats the afternoon slump.

If you feel sleepy then sleep. Yes, you read it right. If your body is asking for sleep you should probably take a short nap. We call it a power nap. But make sure it is just a nap and you don’t fall asleep for a couple of hours because then that will not be considered as a nap and it will be of no use. A power nap will help you reset and get back to work with a fresh approach.

Engaging yourself in some games or quiz could also prove to be beneficial. This makes your brain active and boosts your energy levels.

Change your way of working

You can organize your workspace clear all the trash and begin working again. Clear if there are any empty mugs or unwanted papers on the desk. Anything that takes away your attention can be cleared and you can regain your focus. One can even take time to plan the tasks which need to be completed. It is also a good time to have a look at whole days productivity which can help you judge if you are heading in the right way or not.

If you know you’ll have less energy in the afternoon, consider using the time for less energy-intensive activities. For e.g. you can work on priority and lengthy tasks at the beginning of your day and tasks which keeps you engaged can be left for the afternoon.

If listening songs is your favourite thing to do you can change the playlist and switch to the songs that boost your energy levels. Music has been scientifically proven to influence your mood and productivity. This will surely help you work with a better mood.

All of these would surely help you to get rid of the afternoon slump and make your day productive. Afternoon is part of our day and its on us how we take these tips to stay productive.