Winter Institute in Digital Humanities #WIDH, at IIT Gandhinagar


A Winter Institute in Digital Humanities #WIDH, is scheduled to be held between 8 December 2019 and 22 December 2019 at the IIT Gandhinagar campus. This institute is a culmination of an ongoing collaboration of IIT Gandhinagar with the University of Saskatchewan (USask). It aims to provide a primer to Digital Humanities scholarship to interested students/scholars/freelancers/autodidacts in India.

The purpose of this course is to collectively develop critical approaches/pedagogic methods specific to digital humanities studies as an interdisciplinary field. This year’s winter institute hopes to walk the bridges between technology and humanities, between theory and practice, and between digital and the analogue. The winter institute has a combination of core resource teams, invited speakers/ workshops/ industrial talks, and keynote addresses.

The course registration fee is Rs.9000/- for students and Rs. 18000/- for professionals (this includes accommodation, food arrangements for the duration of the course, and a course kit).
Interested candidates will need to sign-up for the course and fill-in the course registration form, available at the following URL:

For queries, you may drop us an email at: