7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE) concludes

Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)  was held on 21-22nd November 2019.

The main theme of the conference was ‘Technologies for Sustainable Development”. NUiCONE 2019 was organized in association with the stalwart of publication house namely, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. Selected papers will be published in CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.This conference is a flagship event of Institute of Technology, Nirma University.

Source: Facebook, Dr Priyanka Sharma timeline

The conference was co-chaired by Dr Priyanka Sharma and Dr Parul Patel.The conference was inaugrated by Padmashri A S Kiran Kumar (ex-ISRO Chairman) as the Chief Guest, Padmashri Shri Amitava Roy, Former Distinguished Scientist and Chief Executive of Nuclear Recycle Board, BARC(Mumbai) and Padmashri Shri Karsanbahi Patel (President Nirma University) graced the occasion with their remarkable presence.

The inaugural address by Kiran Kumar Sir thrilled the audience with such a lucid portrail of facts that led to the building blocks of an organization like ISRO that every Indian is proud of. Other events including two Panel Discussion and Common Invited Talks with experts from Florida Atlantic University, many department wise expert talk tracks and panel discussion with corporates from NVIDIA, JK Lakshmi, Mitsubishi, GCCI, EronKan and many more were part of this conference. A CSE department expert talk by Dr Sanjay Chaudhary (Ahmedabad University) was also held.